by Javier
Faraway, stubborn
Demanding, awaiting, rewarding
Hope is uplifting
A test
by Javier
Faraway, stubborn
Demanding, awaiting, rewarding
Hope is uplifting
A test
Lanky, bald, dreamer, raw AF
Son of Chinca
Who loves music, learning and look for hobbies
Who is afraid of dreams not getting fulfilled and rotten corpses
Who wants to see a guaracha and raspcanilla concert and me buying a car
Resident of my room
Once you have planned or know what your work is going to be about, do a first writing of it. This will be called first draft or rough draft. Generally it won’t look like the definitive writing, since in the rough draft you are going to translate for the first time your ideas for doing the work.
Do it quickly so you don’t lose the ideas you had in the planning step. Don’t pay too much attention to the gramar and spelling details here. If you don’t know how to translate to English a word from your native language, go for a dictionary, but make it as less as posible to don’t stop he flow of ideas for the draft.
Do it peferably in a computer, it make it easier the work of translating and correcting gramar and spelling. If you are going to write it in paper, write the lines with double space of separation to make easy corrections and changes of words.
A draft can be writen and rewritten one or more times as you may realice the need of looking for more information once you started to write it. In that case, whenever you restart do it from the prewriting steps. It occurs oftenly that new ideas for the work comes to mind once you have started writing.
Pay attention to the beggining and the end of the writing:
- The beggining of the writing must always be written in a way that can hook the future reader to continue reading the rest
- The ending of the writing should be written so that it makes clear the points of it and give the reader something new to know or think about
E.G: * Have you ever think that you know all about…
But probably you never heard that --------------
So the next time you think about ---- now you have
something else to consider about it